Can Yaman arrived yesterday day, Thursday, June 9, 2022, at Elmas Airport in Sardinia to attend the Filming Italy Sardegna Festival. The actor was greeted by a crowd of adoring fans, who as soon as the gate doors opened, literally went into a frenzy at the sight of their darling!
Can Yaman greeted by a bath of fans at the airport in Elmas, SardiniaThe Filming Italy Sardegna Festival began yesterday, Thursday, June 9, 2022: the event dedicated to television and Cinema, conceived and directed by Tiziana Rocca, which is taking place right now at the Forte Village Resort in Santa Margherita di Pula, in the province of Cagliari. The Kermesse, which will last throughout the weekend until June 12, will host many domestic and international stars, including the beloved Can Yaman.
The Turkish actor arrived just yesterday at Elmas airport, where he was greeted by a crowd of admirers eagerly waiting for him, ready to ask for autographs and photos with their darling. As always, Can Yaman has not denied those fans, throwing himself unhesitatingly into their midst to fulfill their requests.
Can Yaman will attend the event to talk about his autobiography, It Seems Strange to Me Too, but also to receive the Filming Italy Creativity Award for his commitment to social work together with his association, Can Yaman for Children.