Melisa Döngel and Kerem Bürsin pose together on Instagram.
The Turkish world does not stop giving us content every day. This time, Kerem Bürsin and Melisa Döngel have reappeared during the celebration of an event after a long time without showing themselves together on networks. The 'Love is in the air' actress did not hesitate to share an affectionate snapshot of the reunion in which they both looked very cheerful. Immediately after, Bürsin echoed the publication on his Instagram account. A meeting in which both have shown the good harmony they have after having been partners in the small screen.

An event that coincides with the days before Kerem's birthday and in which he could have celebrated the almost entry into the new figure. Whether there was a pre-birthday or not, what is clear is that Bürsin had a great time. Through numerous photographs surrounded by friends, the actor of the moment has shared with us the pleasant moment he experienced during a night full of reunions.
Nilperi Sahinkaya, Seyma in 'Kiraz Mevsimi', was the hostess of the event.
Nilperi Sahinkaya's appearance on Bürsin's networks has also generated a lot of buzz. The actress who brought Seyman to life in the series 'Kiraz Mevsimi' captured all the spotlight in a night where she was the protagonist. An event organized to promote a campaign of Nilperi's hand that her colleagues and friends did not want to miss. During the celebration of the event, Bürsin showed the good relationship he has with the actress, joking with her while recording a video that he instantly posted on his networks. A good harmony and companionship that Melisa also showed, posting a story in which she posed with the actress on a red carpet.