Kerem Bursin is giving us the run-around. That's right. He has Spain in his sights and until he comes to live with us he will not stop. I know it, you know it and you can see it coming. One more proof of our theory is that we have been able to see Kerem Bursin in Barcelona yesterday. As you can hear.

Diving through Instagram we found Kerem Bursin on a train to Barcelona. But he wasn't traveling alone, no, he was traveling with a friend. He was traveling with the American actor Matt McGorry, whom you may have seen in series like 'Orange Is the New Black' or 'How to Get Away with Murder ' and with whom he has stayed at the hotel ME of Barcelona to spend a vacation in Barcelona and serve as a guide to his friend. On his IG account, Matt said: "Hadn’t seen my boy in a few years. Wild to think that the 17 years we have known each other is almost half of our lives. Love you, my friend! ."
As you can imagine, we are eager for the 'Love is in the air' actor to come to Spain because he is one of our favorite Turkish actors along with Can Yaman and because having him around gives us peace, security and nourishes us. Could this be one of the visits that serve Kerem to encourage him with that Spanish project we told you about here?
The Bursin IG | Kerem subió esta historia a su cuenta de Instagram.
— Kerem Bürsin Spain (@Kerembursinsp_) July 19, 2022
“Para ser honesto, esto fue a las 4 de la madrugada y mis buenos amigos del Hotel ME de Barcelona no me decepcionaron y prepararon las mejores galletas con pepitas de chocolate 🙏🏻🤘🏻🍪” @KeremBursin #KeremBursin
Kerem's friendship with his traveling companion Matt McGorry goes back a long way. It's not that he met him at the airport and convinced him to go on a trip with him. The two actors have known each other for 17 years as Kerem studied acting in the United States. The last time they saw each other was in 2019 at the Golden Globes and there Kerem convinced his friend Matt to go with him to see Istanbul. They are now resuming their friendship with this 'brothers' trip to Barcelona.