The wait for the debut of the drama Viola Come il Mare is shortening day by day, much to the delight of eager fans. The series starring Can Yaman and Francesca Chillemi will air on Canale 5 starting Sept. 30. The former Miss Italy, reached by, revealed some background on the plot and the co-star: the charming Turkish actor who has stolen the hearts of millions of Italian women.
Viola come il mare, Francesca Chillemi: "On the set Can Yaman was..."
Francesca Chillemi told that she had a wonderful experience on set thanks to a close-knit team. About her character, the beautiful Sicilian actress revealed:
I am Viola Vitale, a journalist special correspondent in Palermo. Francesco Demir is an intelligent, educated and superb commissioner.
I am very happy to have this group of actors. A beautiful harmony was created on this set. I am happy because when you create these synergies it is nice to come and work.