Can Yaman and Francesca Chillemi have landed on the Venice Lido at the 79th edition of the International Film Festival. The two actors are currently at the Film Festival to present Viola Come il Mare, the Mediaset drama airing from September 30, 2022, on Canale5 in which they will star. Their arrival particularly animated the photographers, who made the moment a bit awkward by asking the couple for a kiss. But what caused more uproar was Yaman's response...
Can Yaman and Francesca Chillemi have finally arrived at the Venice Film Festival, where they will present their much-awaited upcoming drama "Viola Come il Mare." The two actors do not have time to get off the speedboat that brought them to the Lido and they are immediately mobbed by photographers, ready to wait for them on the pier.
After getting off, Can Yaman and Francesca Chillemi posed to concede a few shots, but the moment soon became awkward. In fact, photographers started loudly shouting "kiss!", a request that at first made the two actors a bit flustered, and they immediately laughed. Later, however, Yaman responded to the insistent paparazzi by telling them, "Next year," a statement that left quite a few questioning...
It is known to all, in fact, that while Can Yaman seems to be still single after his failed relationship with Diletta Leotta, Francesca Chillemi, on the other hand, has been happily engaged since 2003 to entrepreneur Stefano Rosso, by whom she had daughter Rania in 2015. During the time of the filming of Viola Come il Mare, there was much talk of a possible flirtation between Yaman and the former Miss Italy, which, however, was always denied. What was the Turkish actor talking about then? Was it just a tease for the photographers? Or was he referring to something still unknown to the people of the web?