Actor Burak Deniz caused a scene in the garden of a hotel in Adana on September 15, when he went to the table of Nilperi Şahinkaya, her sculptor boyfriend Emre Yusufi, and their friend Deniz Akıncı 3 times, even though he had not met them before.
It was demanded that a public lawsuit be filed against Burak Deniz for the crimes of 'Intentional Injury', 'Threat', 'Insult', 'Disturbing the peace and tranquility of persons', and that he be punished for each act separately from the highest state.
Burak Deniz said, "The joke got out of hand, I apologize. I hope this resentment will end as soon as possible". But the last regret did not work! Because Nilperi, who attended a party with her lover Emre Yusufi the previous evening, said, "The incident was brought to the judiciary. I don't want to talk more about this issue," she said.