On social and fan pages of the so-called HanKers, it is all anyone is talking about: Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin have reportedly been spotted together again.
The two actors, stars of the TV series Love is in the air, have been in a relationship even away from the set that has thrilled millions of fans around the world. Love story, however, came to an end in early 2022, much to the chagrin of those who were crazy about the couple and would have liked to see them get married.
The rapprochement after the discovery of Aylin Mavi's illness
In recent weeks, however, there has been a rapprochement of sorts between the two. In fact, after learning the news of the illness of Hande's little niece Aylin Mavi, Bürsin promptly contacted his former girlfriend to receive more details on the matter.
But not only that. According to Turkish media reports, the actor reportedly went to visit Hande and little Mavi, bringing the latter a beautiful bouquet of flowers as a gift. It should be specified that this last rumor has never been confirmed, although Kerem, speaking to some journalists, confirmed that he spoke to Hande to ask about the health status of her niece.
Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin caught together: video goes viral
As we said at the outset, in the last few hours, social media following the affairs of the so-called HanKers have literally gone crazy. In fact, a video is circulating that would show Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin together near the counter of a café.
From the images, you can't tell much: both people filmed (who according to fans are indeed the two former lovers) have their backs turned, and the man has his head covered by a hood. But discerning fans immediately assumed that it was Bürsin because of his jacket, which seems to be the same one also used by Kerem.
Moreover, some fans on the scene confirmed that it was indeed the two protagonists of Love is in the air.
In short, fans of the couple are hoping again, this time for real. Will it be the right time?