Serenay Sarıkaya responded to her alleged relationship with Burak Deniz!

Serenay Sarıkaya responded to her alleged relationship with Burak Deniz!

Serenay Sarıkaya, whose name is often involved in love rumors, was allegedly close to Burak Deniz, who recently ended his relationship with Didem Soydan.

It was also among the claims that the couple, whose set friendship is said to have turned into love in a short time, wanted to live their love away from the eyes. The beautiful actress's response to the news, which became an agenda in a short time and was published with the title "The last love of the year", was not delayed.

In a statement made on her social media account, Sarıkaya said, "The last false news of the year, relax". From Burak Deniz's side, no statement has yet been received.

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