Taro Emir Tekin and Mustafa Mert Koç, the lead actors of the series Bir Peri Masalı (A Fairy Tale) on FOX, filmed a fight scene as required by the script. In the scene, when Taro Emir Tekin's fist accidentally hit Koç's nose, 4 fractures occurred.
The actor, who appeared in front of the camera with a bandage on his nose in the last episode, broke his silence after the allegations that he had plastic surgery.
Speaking about his taped nose by opening a live broadcast from his social media account, Mustafa Mert Koç said, "In the fight scene with Taro, the punch came to my nose and it was fractured in 4 places. We had a set accident, it can happen. I did not have plastic surgery while work was going on, "he said.