Taro Emir Tekin broke Mustafa Mert Koç's nose!

Taro Emir Tekin broke Mustafa Mert Koç's nose!

Taro Emir Tekin and Mustafa Mert Koç, the lead actors of the series Bir Peri Masalı (A Fairy Tale) on FOX, filmed a fight scene as required by the script. In the scene, when Taro Emir Tekin's fist accidentally hit Koç's nose, 4 fractures occurred.

The actor, who appeared in front of the camera with a bandage on his nose in the last episode, broke his silence after the allegations that he had plastic surgery.

Speaking about his taped nose by opening a live broadcast from his social media account, Mustafa Mert Koç said, "In the fight scene with Taro, the punch came to my nose and it was fractured in 4 places. We had a set accident, it can happen. I did not have plastic surgery while work was going on, "he said.

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