Mert Ramazan Demir, who made his star shine with the series Yali Çapkini and Şahmaran, became an agenda on social media. A social media user said about Mert Ramazan Demir, "All Turkey is divided into two... Is this man handsome or not, please someone tell me". Sergen Deveci was one of those who answered this question.
Deveci mocked the question by saying, "We have come to the point where we are neither at their funeral nor at our funeral with the mother's side."
Deveci responded to another user's comment, "I swear you are more handsome," by saying, "Your intentions are very good, but there is something wrong, I mean, how can I put it, you can't be completely happy, it's like there was a gap... It was as if you said that the man is so bad that even you look better," he replied.
mert ramazan demir