Viola Come Il Mare has landed on Netflix's legal platform since March 1. The drama, loosely based on the novel 'Do You Know Summer?' by Simona Tanzini, stars Francesca Chillemi, as journalist Viola Vitale, and Can Yaman, playing Chief Inspector Francesco Demir. During its airing on Canale 5, the TV series produced by Lux Vide was highly praised by viewers, but now that it is being screened by Netflix subscribers it has not had a generally positive reception, in fact, controversy has erupted on social media: 'Embarrassing.
Viola Come il mare is not being positively received by Netflix subscribers
As of Wednesday, March 1, 2023, one of Mediaset's most popular dramas can be watched at any time of the day on Netflix. We are talking about Viola Come Il Mare. A TV series in the detective genre, set in Palermo and starring Francesca Chillemi and Can Yaman, respectively in the roles of crime reporter Viola Vitale and chief inspector Francesco Demir.
Precisely on the day it landed on Netflix, the Lux Vide-produced drama received a barrage of criticism from subscribers of the streaming platform. On social media one can read comments that were anything but joyful.
Some found the trailer of Viola Come Il Mare embarrassing, others, with irony, begged Netflix to include La Dottoressa Giò and Fantaghirò.
The plot of Viola Come Il Mare
The drama Viola Come Il Mare tells the story of journalist Viola Vitale. The latter moves to Palermo to find her father whom she has never met and is hired in the newsroom of Sicilia WebNews in the crime department.
During her first investigation, the protagonist meets Chief Inspector Francesco Demir, played by Can Yaman; and the two begin a relationship made up of professional collaboration but also of a sentimental nature. With her synesthesia and ability to understand people beyond appearances, Viola proves to be an excellent ally for Demir.
Cascade of criticism on social media: 'What rubbish', 'An act of masochism'
'They could have put the Red Door but instead, they put this in,' one social user exclaimed. Someone wrote, ironically, that after the first episode of Viola Come Il Mare, René Ferretti materialized on his couch: 'Mamma mia, that sucks.' Another user argued that watching this drama is an act of masochism: 'The surprise is not so much where it is broadcast, but where they find the desperate people willing to watch it.'
Amidst this criticism, many social users pointed out that people complain about everything: 'How heavy-handed.' Some suggested the critics not to watch the drama and ignore it: 'Stop criticizing whatever happens!'
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