Among the leading faces of Il Paradiso delle Signore 7 is the young Venus Irene, played by actress Francesca Del Fa, who, in a new interview, chose to break her silence and shed definitive light on rumors of flirtation with Can Yaman.
There was a period when there was much talk of an ongoing flirtation between Francesca Del Fa and Can Yaman the leading face of Rai 1's afternoon soap opera and the Turkish star who has bewitched Italian audiences.
Apparently, however, there would never be anything tender and romantic between the two actors, as clarified by the interpreter of Irene herself.
Irene at the center of the new plots of Il Paradiso delle signore 7
In detail, Francesca Del Fa continues to be one of the leading faces of Il Paradiso delle signore 7, the afternoon soap opera aired daily with great success in the daytime of the Rai flagship network.
However, Irene, currently engaged in a relationship with young Alfredo, has won over the audience curious now to find out how her love story will evolve and whether there will be a long-awaited wedding.
However, in these hours, the actress star of the Rai 1 soap opera has found herself shedding light once again on a Gossip that has seen her in the past months.
'Nothing romantic,' actress of Il Paradiso delle signore breaks the silence on Can Yaman.
Francesca was photographed in the company of Can Yaman, the Turkish star most loved and coveted by the Italian public: on that occasion, it was rumored that there was some tenderness between the two and obviously the news immediately bounced on the various pages of the weekly gossip magazines.
But what is the truth of the facts? Was there really a relationship between Can and Francesca as reported in the newspapers or not?
Providing some clarity, definitively breaking the silence on this affair, was the actress herself from Il Paradiso delle signore, who publicly confessed that there was nothing sentimental between her and the Turkish star.
"There was nothing romantic between me and Can, only a sympathy, a friendship was born," thus clarified the actress of Irene in Rai 1's early afternoon soap opera, shedding light once and for all on these rumors of flirtation with the Turkish actor starring in Viola come il mare on Canale 5.
Irene's actress confirmed in the cast of Il Paradiso 8
In short, there was no passion between the two and no special feeling was born, but only a relationship as good friends.
Meanwhile, Francesca is preparing to embark on an important trip to the United States of America to take an acting course and perfect herself more and more, waiting then to return to the set of the eighth season of Il Paradiso delle signore.