Internet Users Shocked After Nurse Suspected of Being a Fan Administers Unauthorized Injection to BTS's Jin to See Him

Internet Users Shocked After Nurse Suspected of Being a Fan Administers Unauthorized Injection to BTS's Jin to See Him

In January, a nurse in her twenties from an unidentified unit left her base without permission and went to Jin's unit in Yeoncheon, 60 kilometers north of Seoul, according to military officials.

In January, a nurse in her twenties from an unidentified unit left her base without permission and went to Jin's unit in Yeoncheon, 60 kilometers north of Seoul, according to military officials.

An official told reporters that an investigation was underway and that "necessary measures" would be taken based on the results.

Under South Korean law, a soldier who temporarily leaves their workplace without permission or does not return within a specified time must pay a fine of up to 3 million won ($2,258) or face up to one year in prison.

The nurse is suspected of being involved in the unauthorized distribution of medications in the 5th division. She administered the secondary vaccination against hemorrhagic fever. Subsequently, she returned to her own unit and shared that "Jin was suffering a lot."

The informant shared that the nurse claimed the personnel department head was aware of her actions and mentioned that she was going to the 5th division.

This report shocked Korean internet users who wrote:

"Let's file a complaint and protest until the investigation prevents the repetition of such things. Let's go all the way."

"Imagine if she had actually tried to give him a shot? She should have asked him to lower his pants so she could place the syringe on his buttocks ~~ she really traded not only her career but the honor of her career just for a chance to see a BTS member's buttocks."

"From unauthorized leave of work to unauthorized vaccine administration, up to one year in prison, right? Go to prison then."

"I think the army tried to cover it up... You really need to send her to prison. She would have left if they hadn't hidden it."

"Not only did a nurse leave her post without permission, but she also broke into another post and administered an injection. This is not only a violation of private information but also unauthorized access to medical and pharmaceutical equipment. The base knew and still chose to overlook it without any consequences. The more they remain silent on these issues, the more people will feel bold enough to commit increasingly serious acts. Please, impose a heavy punishment and make her an example."

"I'm so sad..."

"I'm so angry."

"Don't expect too much from the army. They don't want to make noise from their point of view, even if there are suicides in every unit."

"Bangtan is pitiful..."

"Jin has been serving in the 5th division since the beginning. This means that this nurse had access to his unit's information from another nurse who probably works in Jin's unit. In fact, it gives me chills that these people call themselves nurses when they are not afraid at all to use their position to commit such acts. The base better not try to hide this and make sure all those involved are punished to the fullest extent."

"No matter the suspicions, how could she think of taking unauthorized leave from her own unit just to see a celebrity? This is well beyond the point of madness."

"Aigo Jin-ah ㅜ ㅜ ㅜ ㅜ ㅜ ㅜ ㅜ ㅜ ㅜ I'm so worried. What are they going to do about all these sasaengs? ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ Jin-ah ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ"

"This is so scary..."

"Doesn't this mean that anyone can enter and inject any type of liquid, whether it's propofol or poison?... I'm shocked at how lax it is. It's like a neighborhood supermarket."

"This is too scary. Isn't she a sasaeng at this point? Why administer a vaccine? She could have even killed him if she wanted to. Damn, this is creepy."

"Reveal her personal information!"

"Crazy, why don't they accuse her of being a criminal?"

"Let's change the genders here for a second. What if a male officer sneaked into an idol's dressing room or wherever she was when she was invited to perform, and asked for photos and autographs?"

"Singers are also human. Can people know where the line is? Would you like someone to do this to you?"

"This is definitely a sasaeng. Each training unit has its own nursing care post; there is absolutely no reason for a nurse from another unit to move just to give an injection."

"Jin can't escape sasaengs even during his mandatory service ㅜㅜ please fire this woman."

"She ruined her life just for a celebrity..."

"What if she put something weird in the solution?!??"

"I feel sorry for BTS..."

"The more I think about it, the more I get chills... I'm so worried about Jin's health."

"Please protect our Jin... please ㅠㅠ Please don't let the crazies approach him."

What do you think?

Source: (1)

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