Tuba Büyüküstün, a renowned actress, recently shared the sad news on her social media account that her beloved dog, Korsan, had passed away. Korsan had been Tuba's faithful companion for 17 years, and during that time, he taught her many valuable lessons with his youthful and playful spirit. He even helped many people overcome their fear of dogs and inspired them to become dog owners themselves.
Korsan was a lively, cheerful, and inquisitive dog who always craved human attention and affection. He had a special way of bringing joy and happiness to everyone around him. Tuba expressed her heartfelt gratitude to everyone who had interacted with Korsan, especially those who had taken care of him in his final days. She also wanted to inform all those who had been inquiring about Korsan's well-being that he had passed away peacefully under an apple tree.
The loss of a beloved pet is always a difficult and emotional experience, and Tuba's tribute to Korsan is a touching reminder of the special bond that can exist between humans and their furry companions.
Tuba Büyüküstün