After the series "Duy Beni," the young actors experienced a rapid rise in their careers. Caner Topçu, who previously co-starred with Rabia Soytürk in the series, is now starring alongside his former co-star Sümeyye Aydoğan in a new show.
During an evaluation of his partnership with Aydoğan, Topçu's statements seem to have angered his former partner. Following Caner Topçu's remarks, Rabia Soytürk made a post saying, "I remind you of the notion of respect, something you don't know and don't possess," and unfollowed Topçu.
In response, Caner Topçu also unfollowed his former partner and made a final post saying, "If you had worked with discipline and seriousness."
This situation has escalated to the point where they no longer follow each other on social media. It's a pity that what could have been resolved with a sincere apology has now reached such levels.