Music producer Erol Köse, who is always in the spotlight with his social media statements, drew attention with his latest post.
Köse claimed that he made Demet Özdemir and Kutsi famous and said, "I discovered Kutsi in Ankara, he wrote a song about heartbreak at the beginning of the 2000s, and two runaway dancers from Adapazarı appeared in the music video. Who? The now famous Demet Özdemir and her sister. Yes, I made them famous too."
Köse also added, "First Kutsi, then Musti with his rebellious music video, and then I introduced him to TV series, just like I did with Kutsi. Kutsi begged not to become an actor, saying he couldn't do it, and I convinced him by force. Now he is pleading with me again. With the series 'Doktorlar,' he became a real star as an actor."