Viola come il mare, Can Yaman breaks the silence. The announcement of the Turkish heartthrob

Viola come il mare, Can Yaman breaks the silence. The announcement of the Turkish heartthrob

It was just before the airing of the last episode that Can Yaman had fallen silent about "Viola come il mare," the light crime series produced by Lux Vide in which he stars alongside Francesca Chillemi.

Many feared that the Turkish actor might withdraw from the second season, but the reality is that the intense work on the set of "El Turco," the new TV series by Disney Plus, completely absorbed him during the long months spent in Hungary, the chosen country for filming.

After several months, Can Yaman has returned to posting content on social media related to the TV series, whose second chapter will premiere on Canale 5 in 2024. The show, set in Palermo, garnered excellent success last fall. The Turkish heartthrob perfectly embodied the role of Chief Inspector of Police, Francesco Demir, and the chemistry on set with Francesca Chillemi even led some to suspect a romantic connection between the two. This gossip was never confirmed by the parties involved but contributed, albeit in part, to Can's distance. As mentioned earlier, he preferred to focus exclusively on the filming of "El Turco."

Can Yaman's announcement about "Viola come il mare"

After the former Miss Italy was seen with the script in hand on the first day of filming for the second season of "Viola come il mare," the Turkish actor also decided to confirm (although it was not necessary) his presence in the series. "I'm warming up for the action scenes of Francesco Demir," Can wrote on Instagram, showing himself in total black on a motorcycle.

Furthermore, Yaman announced yesterday that he will soon start working on the second season of "Viola come il mare": "In a couple of days, I will start working on the second season of 'Viola come il mare,' so I will have to drastically reduce my travels around Italy. I will greatly miss the 'Break the Wall Tour 2023,' and my team is already working to finalize what we started. There will be many other exciting things, and I will carry all the beautiful moments I shared with you in my heart."

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