Can Yaman and Demet Özdemir, Mediaset ready to strike: a new TV series together is being considered.

Can Yaman and Demet Özdemir, Mediaset ready to strike: a new TV series together is being considered.

Could the Can Yaman - Demet Özdemir duo be reuniting for a new Mediaset TV series? This is the sensational rumor of the last few hours concerning the professional future of one of the most beloved couples ever by the Canale 5 audience.

Can Yaman and Demet Ozdemir, Mediaset ready to strike: a new TV series together is being considered.

Following the huge success of DayDreamer - Le ali del sogno, the two young actors might find themselves paired up once again, but this time in an Italian production.

The return of the Can Yaman - Demet Özdemir couple in a TV series?

In detail, Can and Demet captured the hearts and enamored millions of Italian viewers with the various episodes of DayDreamer, one of the most cherished and followed summer soaps by the Canale 5 audience.

An astonishing success that continues even today on La 5, the channel where the soap opera is re-aired during this summer season, consistently achieving excellent ratings.

Well, after the great success of this soap opera, it's not ruled out that the couple might work together again, but this time for a TV series destined for prime time on Canale 5.

Mediaset is ready to make a splash with Can and Demet together

Apparently, according to the rumors reported by the magazine "Di Più" Can would have advised his friend and colleague to try their luck in our country, after he himself achieved great success with "Viola come il mare"

The TV series produced by Lux Vide was one of the most watched on Mediaset channels during the past TV season, and currently, filming for the second season is underway, scheduled to air in 2024 again on Canale 5.

Moreover, Can has also been chosen for the remake of "Sandokan" the historical period TV series that will be reprised in the upcoming television season.

And it seems these might not be the only professional commitments of the renowned Turkish actor, who has now become one of the most beloved faces of the Canale 5 audience.

The success of Demet Özdemir with "My Home My Destiny"

Demet Özdemir, in fact, might soon set foot in our country, and it's rumored that some producers are already considering writing a new TV series that could once again reunite Can and his colleague.

This news would undoubtedly thrill the countless fans and enthusiasts of DayDreamer, who could once again dream with the Can-Demet pair.

While waiting to discover if the project will come to fruition, the Turkish actress is currently the star of the soap "My Home My Destiny" successfully airing every day on Canale 5.

The average viewership surpasses 1.5 million viewers per day, equivalent to a share that hovers around 20% and peaks at 22%.

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