Speechless. That's how Can Yaman has left all his followers with his latest social media post. The actor shared a striking image showcasing the incredible physical transformation he underwent in the past month, thanks to a rigorous training routine and practicing intermittent fasting. These were the keys to shedding ten kilos in just four weeks, allowing him to achieve the physique required for his upcoming project.
On April 1st, the Turkish actor, who has been based in Italy for over two years now, will begin filming his new series. It's a highly anticipated project that will see him embody the legendary Sandokan. However, before diving into the role of the mythical pirate and starting his strict diet, the actor took a break to spend time with his family and return to Turkey, where he could indulge in his favorite dishes. "Taking advantage of some days off and the Christmas holidays, I decided to return to my hometown to spend time with my parents, my family, and other close people. I needed to rest and disconnect a bit, but without overdoing it! I also wanted to enjoy Turkish cuisine, which I missed so much," the actor began.
Willpower and Effort to Bring a Mythical Character to Life
With his batteries recharged, the actor returned to Italy to face one of the greatest challenges he has encountered in his career, physically speaking. "The first goal was to reach the ideal weight for the character and then focus on mental aspects. It was a very tough period; in one month, I managed to lose almost 10 kg, going from 94.5 to 85 kg," the actor stated on his social media, emphasizing how challenging it was. "It has been, and still is, an especially intense phase. I have deprived myself of many pleasures in life; I have to train 2 or 3 times a day and practice intermittent fasting, 16:8, keeping calories very low."
All the efforts and sacrifices have paid off, and he has achieved his goal. Additionally, the actor wanted to reassure his followers that his health has never been compromised. "There's no need to worry: despite being exhausted, I'm perfectly healthy, rejuvenated, detoxified, and light, but above all, very satisfied. Obviously, everything happens with the continuous supervision of serious and competent professionals," the actor said, for whom following this strict diet and training regimen posed no problem. After all, it's his job, and he loves being an actor. "This is what actors do: they transform themselves with dedication when necessary and occasionally mold themselves to identify with the new role. In short, I will continue, we will continue, to push forward at full throttle until we achieve the perfect Sandokan that we have set out to portray," the actor declared, always giving his all in every project.
A Treat for All the Sacrifices
After a very intense month of training and dieting, the actor confessed that he decided to give himself a day off from his strict meal plan and indulge in a treat. "However, I must confess that today I have decided to make an exception to the rule and eat whatever I want, hoping to be able to stop...," the actor shared, ending by asking his followers to continue supporting him as they always have. "I ask you to continue supporting me as you always have. A big hug. See you soon."