Melisa Döngel uses humor to debunk her alleged relationship with a Galatasaray player: I'm a Fenerbahçe supporter

Melisa Döngel uses humor to debunk her alleged relationship with a Galatasaray player: I'm a Fenerbahçe supporter

She is undeniably one of Turkey's most renowned and captivating actresses, capturing the hearts of audiences everywhere. The media has taken a keen interest in her, making her a frequent subject of their attention. Ever since her breakthrough role as Ceren in 'Love is in the Air' a widely adored series, she has been a constant presence in the headlines, captivating the nation with her every move.

Melisa Döngel uses humor to debunk her alleged relationship with a Galatasaray player: I'm a Fenerbahçe supporter

And of course, she hasn't been spared from being linked to romantic relationships. After being associated with rapper Sefo and football coach Sergen Yalçın, the media has now claimed that she is involved with Barış Alper Yılmaz, the star player of Galatasaray. According to Turkish media, the actress and the athlete reportedly started a relationship a few weeks ago, but both have chosen to be very discreet and keep this romance strictly private. However, it seems that things are not as they have been portrayed, and the truth is far from what the media has reported.

Tired of the rumors, Döngel has denied the affair and used humor to put an end to any speculation. 

"I am a fan of Fenerbahçe. I'm not a very enthusiastic supporter, but if you ask me for the name of a team, I support Fenerbahçe. I don't even recognize that other team. Those love news are not true," she responded to the journalists who approached her.

Open to love

She may not be in love at the moment, but the actress has not hidden her desire to share her life with someone. "There's no one in my life. I wish there was someone," she said with a smile to the reporters. The actress, who a few months ago revealed her aspiration to not have the same bad luck as the characters she has portrayed in fiction. "Unlike the characters I play, I want to have a beautiful and happy marriage like any woman. I've played characters who usually had bad relationships. I hope I haven't attracted this energy into my life," Döngel shared.

And while she dreams of finding happiness in a relationship, she would never dare to steal a boyfriend from her friends, as she stated on a television program. Her statements caused quite a stir and put her in the spotlight, leading her to clarify her words weeks later, stating that she was just joking and her friends understood perfectly well that she wasn't being serious. "Actually, it was completely misunderstood. I made those comments on a show where we laughed and joked. I meant to say that we are all human and anything can happen. That's why I didn't want to say 'no' outright. My friends understood how I made that statement, so they took it lightly," said the actress, who admitted that sometimes she lacks a filter.

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