We attended the Mediaset conference at the beginning of the year, where they unveiled the new offerings for the 2023-2024 season. One of the highlights is "Viola come il Mare 2," the flagship series of Canale 5, starring Francesca Chillemi and Can Yaman. It has become one of the most-watched productions in recent years, especially on social media and streaming platforms. The TV series has a global following, boosted by the immense popularity of actor Can Yaman.
Taking inspiration from the successful formula of "Mare Fuori," even the patron, Pier Silvio Berlusconi, seems interested in the streaming-TV model. It certainly has all the elements to succeed, but will it truly work? Let's find out when "Viola come il Mare 2" will be released on Mediaset Infinity and Canale 5.
"Viola come il Mare" debuted on Canale 5 in September 2022, garnering good ratings with an average share of over 15%. The on-demand streaming results were impressive, with over 500,000 views per episode, not to mention views from around the world. Even on Netflix, "Viola come il Mare" performed well, being one of the popular streaming platforms. And now, it's ready for the next big step.
Similar to "My Home My Destiny," "Viola come il Mare 2" will premiere on Mediaset Infinity first and then air weekly on Canale 5. The most likely release date is in the fall of 2024, exactly two years after its debut. In March, Canale 5's schedule will see the return of Gabriel Garko with "Se potessi dirti addio," having already presented "I Fantastici 5" (Lux Vide) in January 2024. It's unlikely, as rumored initially, that we'll see "Viola come il Mare 2" in March 2024. Confirmations are awaited.