Can Yaman shares updates on El Turco: poster and release date

Can Yaman shares updates on El Turco: poster and release date

Can Yaman shares updates on El Turco: poster and release date

Can Yaman always keeps his fans in the loop about his latest TV projects. Despite being busy filming "Sandokan" he couldn't resist revealing the new poster for the upcoming series "El Turco" set to premiere soon on Disney Plus. Let's delve into the details.

Can Yaman recently shifted his focus back to intense training and a strict diet to prepare physically for his role as the Tiger of Malaysia in "Sandokan." He's been sharing his progress and script readings with fans on social media. However, he also made sure to update his followers on another project he's starring in: "El Turco."

Fans of the Turkish star are eagerly awaiting his new television series on Disney Plus, where he'll be acting alongside Greta Ferro. Just a few hours ago, the actor unveiled the first poster featuring his character, the Ottoman Empire commander Balaban Agha. Then came the exciting news: the series will be available very soon, by the year 2024. It's been almost a year since Yaman left Italy for over six months to shoot in Hungary.

"El Turco" is based on the story by Orhan Yeniaras, a historical tale set during the siege of Vienna by soldiers from the Ottoman Empire under King Mehmed IV. Yaman has undergone rigorous preparation for his role and tackled the challenge of an entirely English script. Moreover, it's been tough for him to be so far from the country that welcomed him, Italy, and his home country, Turkey. In the series, Can's character seeks refuge in Moena, where he will live and find love with the character portrayed by Greta Ferro.

His fans can't wait to see the new Disney Plus series, "El Turco," especially since the wait for the second season of "Viola come il mare" seems to be dragging on. The announcement of the series' release in 2024 was warmly received by the Turkish star's audience, as was the poster. His proud gaze, historical commander attire, and sculpted physique left his followers in awe, showering him with positive and adoring comments.

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